

Nature intrinsically creates new forms.It is made of living matter in which all things communicate and, bound by the same vital flow, overlap and exchange their form.Theinertia of the cocoon eventually gives birth to movement.Perpetual mutation.Bodies undergo metamorphoses, leading to a mix of genres, a conglomerate of shapes: bodies sometimes human, sometimes those of animals. Bodies that need to asphyxiate in order to be reborn and rediscover life.

Wires and plastic are not the kind of substances life usually emerges from.Nevertheless, Werner Bitzigeio's plastic art creations „Erd-Raum l-lll“ and „Cocoon“ have sparked off a creative progress that feeds on these materials.Or is it the materials that feed on the movement of the bodies?

Irene K.'s latest creation hungry reflects this ambiguity: an unquenchable thirst to live life to the full, opening ourselves up, while at the same time harbouring this very deep need inside for rest, meditation, harmony, serenity.

hungry is created as a triptych. At the heart of it, the choreography Cocons.

Choreographer Irene Kalbusch statement of intend

Artistic director: Irene Borguet-Kalbusch
Dance and material development: Marie-Laure Fiaux/ Anaïs van Eycken, Mélodie Lasselin,
Svende Obrocki, Masami Sakurai, Hiroshi Wakamatsu
Dramaturgy: Daniel Rademacher
Stage Design: Werner Bitzigeio
Costume Design: Sabine Kreiter
Music: Pierre Remy and Bernd Thewes
Light Design: Jean-Louis Gille
Duration: 70 minutes

3rd price international dance contest  "Centre de Danse du Marais", Paris (F)

Performance Places:
C.C. Welkenraedt (B), Art.Fair Köln (F), Alte Feuerwache Köln (D),
Festival TanzArt Gießen (D), Kulturzentrum Jünglingshaus Eupen (B), Cirque d'Hiver Paris (F), Tanzfestival Bielefeld (D)

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